Primum Sapienti
2024-05-13 05:42:00 UTC
Dr. Terberger was team leader of a study published
last month in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences that provided the first
comprehensive report on the wooden objects
excavated from 1994 to 2008 in the peat of an
open-pit coal mine near Schöningen, in northern
In the mid-1990s, the discovery of three of the
spears — along with stone tools and the butchered
remains of 10 wild horses — upended prevailing
ideas about the intelligence, social interaction
and toolmaking skills of our extinct human
The new study, which began in 2021, examined
more than 700 pieces of wood from the Spear
Horizon, many of which had spent the previous
two decades stored in chilled tubs of distilled
water to simulate the waterlogged sediment that
had protected them from decay. With the aid of
3-D microscopy and micro-CT scanners that
highlighted signs of wear or cut marks,
researchers identified 187 pieces of wood that
showed evidence of splitting, scraping or
Besides weapons, the assemblage included 35
pointed and rounded artifacts that were most
likely used in domestic activities such as
punching holes and smoothing hides.
The wooden artifacts from Schöningen’s Spear
Horizon and their place in human evolution
Wooden tools rarely survive in the Paleolithic
record limiting our understanding of
Pleistocene hunter-gather lifeways. With 187
wooden artifacts, Schöningen 13 II-4 provides
the largest assemblage worldwide introduced
here for the first time in full. Wooden tools
include at least 10 spears and seven throwing
sticks used in hunting next to 35 newly
recognized pointed and rounded split woods
likely used in domestic activities. The study
provides unique insights into Pleistocene
woodworking techniques, tool design, use,
re-working, and human behavior connected to
wooden artifacts. Human evolution studies
show increasing brain size and technological
complexity that coincide with human group
hunting over the last 2 Ma. Schöningen’s
wooden hunting weapons exemplify the
interplay of technological complexity, human
behavior, and human evolution.
Ethnographic records show that wooden tools
played a pivotal role in the daily lives of
hunter-gatherers including food procurement
tools used in hunting (e.g., spears, throwing
sticks) and gathering (e.g. digging sticks,
bark peelers), as well as, domestic tools
(e.g., handles, vessels). However, wood
rarely survives in the archeological record,
especially in Pleistocene contexts and
knowledge of prehistoric hunter-gatherer
lifeways is strongly biased by the
survivorship of more resilient materials such
as lithics and bones. Consequently, very few
Paleolithic sites have produced wooden
artifacts and among them, the site of
Schöningen stands out due to its number and
variety of wooden tools. The recovery of
complete wooden spears and throwing sticks
at this 300,000-y-old site (MIS 9) led to a
paradigm shift in the hunter vs. scavenger
debate. For the first time and almost 30 y
after their discovery, this study introduces
the complete wooden assemblage from Schöningen
13 II-4 known as the Spear Horizon. In total,
187 wooden artifacts could be identified from
the Spear Horizon demonstrating a broad
spectrum of wood-working techniques, including
the splitting technique. A minimum of 20
hunting weapons is now recognized and two
newly identified artifact types comprise 35
tools made on split woods, which were likely
used in domestic activities. Schöningen 13
II-4 represents the largest Pleistocene
wooden artifact assemblage worldwide and
demonstrates the key role woodworking had in
human evolution. Finally, our results
considerably change the interpretation of the
Pleistocene lakeshore site of Schöningen.
Dr. Terberger was team leader of a study published
last month in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences that provided the first
comprehensive report on the wooden objects
excavated from 1994 to 2008 in the peat of an
open-pit coal mine near Schöningen, in northern
In the mid-1990s, the discovery of three of the
spears — along with stone tools and the butchered
remains of 10 wild horses — upended prevailing
ideas about the intelligence, social interaction
and toolmaking skills of our extinct human
The new study, which began in 2021, examined
more than 700 pieces of wood from the Spear
Horizon, many of which had spent the previous
two decades stored in chilled tubs of distilled
water to simulate the waterlogged sediment that
had protected them from decay. With the aid of
3-D microscopy and micro-CT scanners that
highlighted signs of wear or cut marks,
researchers identified 187 pieces of wood that
showed evidence of splitting, scraping or
Besides weapons, the assemblage included 35
pointed and rounded artifacts that were most
likely used in domestic activities such as
punching holes and smoothing hides.
The wooden artifacts from Schöningen’s Spear
Horizon and their place in human evolution
Wooden tools rarely survive in the Paleolithic
record limiting our understanding of
Pleistocene hunter-gather lifeways. With 187
wooden artifacts, Schöningen 13 II-4 provides
the largest assemblage worldwide introduced
here for the first time in full. Wooden tools
include at least 10 spears and seven throwing
sticks used in hunting next to 35 newly
recognized pointed and rounded split woods
likely used in domestic activities. The study
provides unique insights into Pleistocene
woodworking techniques, tool design, use,
re-working, and human behavior connected to
wooden artifacts. Human evolution studies
show increasing brain size and technological
complexity that coincide with human group
hunting over the last 2 Ma. Schöningen’s
wooden hunting weapons exemplify the
interplay of technological complexity, human
behavior, and human evolution.
Ethnographic records show that wooden tools
played a pivotal role in the daily lives of
hunter-gatherers including food procurement
tools used in hunting (e.g., spears, throwing
sticks) and gathering (e.g. digging sticks,
bark peelers), as well as, domestic tools
(e.g., handles, vessels). However, wood
rarely survives in the archeological record,
especially in Pleistocene contexts and
knowledge of prehistoric hunter-gatherer
lifeways is strongly biased by the
survivorship of more resilient materials such
as lithics and bones. Consequently, very few
Paleolithic sites have produced wooden
artifacts and among them, the site of
Schöningen stands out due to its number and
variety of wooden tools. The recovery of
complete wooden spears and throwing sticks
at this 300,000-y-old site (MIS 9) led to a
paradigm shift in the hunter vs. scavenger
debate. For the first time and almost 30 y
after their discovery, this study introduces
the complete wooden assemblage from Schöningen
13 II-4 known as the Spear Horizon. In total,
187 wooden artifacts could be identified from
the Spear Horizon demonstrating a broad
spectrum of wood-working techniques, including
the splitting technique. A minimum of 20
hunting weapons is now recognized and two
newly identified artifact types comprise 35
tools made on split woods, which were likely
used in domestic activities. Schöningen 13
II-4 represents the largest Pleistocene
wooden artifact assemblage worldwide and
demonstrates the key role woodworking had in
human evolution. Finally, our results
considerably change the interpretation of the
Pleistocene lakeshore site of Schöningen.